Kino Pleme / Live Soundtrack

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  1. Live Soundtrack 54 | Psihološki horor film | SKC Kragujevac, 21.8.2021.

    traumator, Luka Stoisavljević, MMonk

  2. 54. izdanje događaja : Psihološki horor film stavlja u fokus novije kratke radove evropske i iranske produkcije koji se bave ispitivanjem arhetipskih, kao i unutrašnjih strahova, oličenih u utvarnim, snolikim i folklornim pričama strave i prokletstva, u formi nemog filma, a za čije zvučne pratnje će biti zaduženi muzičari okupljeni oko kragujevačke i beogradske alternativne scene : Luka Stoisavljević (Larska), Aleksandar Jevremović (traumator) i Marko Milićević (Live Soundtrack).

  3. traumator

    Aleksandar Jevremović je muzičar i koncertni organizator koji, u svom projektu Traumator, crpi inspiraciju iz eksperimenta sa različitim žanrovima i kosmičkim elektronskim zvukovima, a zvučna paleta projekta se menja od nastupa do nastupa
  4. Luka Stoisavljević

    Luka Stoisavljević je basista i vokalista kragujevačkog sastava Larska koji različite uticaje (stoner/ grunge/ psych / desert rock) stapaju u masivni zid zvuka uz pregršt upotrebe efekata.

  5. MMonk

    Organizator događaja Live Soundtrack. Autor je nekoliko filmova, a u svom radu kombinuje istraživanje elektro-akustičnih atmosfera, vokalnog eksperimenta i poezije. Sarađivao je sa bendom Old Soviet Dogs, pesnikinjom Tamarom Šuškić i performerkom/ vokalistkinjom Oljom Nikolić.
  6. Photo gallery : 

    (by Milica Nikolic)

  7. Film program : 

  8. Antonella Barbera - Negative (Italy, 2017, 3')

    Negative images invert memories. A female fotographer makes a disturbing discovery and counts the cost of her own fears.


  9. Gustavo SIlva - Petrichor (Portugal, 2020, 5')
    A painting comes alive to haunt its painter

  10. Shahed Darabi - Before (Iran, 2021, 8')

    He goes to the coast for an appointment and faces a strange situation. He doesn't know that time has stopped, and that he will meet no one but himself; he doesn't know he's put in the circle of his life punishment.

  11. Kadir Uzun - Ash and Lung (Turkey, 2021, 14')

    Alkarısı, continues to steal babies from the houses of a village. The battered woman lies hungry in a burnt area of the forest around the village. Alkarısı, comes to this woman in the form of a goat. Together, they come to the makeshift haircloth tent, which is a special sort of tent that belongs to the Yuruks in Anatolia made from goat hair, where a small community of women who eats babies’ liver. On the other hand, the city continues to expand rapidly.

  12. Carlos Ferragut - Fallen Siblings (Spain, 2020, 12')

    A carefree couple walks by an ancient and forgotten place. Someone notices their presence. Someone who’s been waiting for them for a long time.

  13. Arlo Bebbington Wood - FunDrome (UK, 2021, 3')

    A man's pain is enjoyed and consumed by others