Kino Pleme / Live Soundtrack

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  1. Live Soundtrack 78 | Queer-core | MRAK, Drugstore Beograd, 17.5.2024 |

    Pinokio Petkom, Eva Ras, Gomila

  2. Pinokio Petkom

    Pinokio petkom se okuplja petkom, od 2015.godine. Probe su nam terapija, u svakom smislu..druženje, sviranje, smejanje, razmena i ljubav. Mi smo skupina koja se okupila sa idejom da zajednička druženja učini konstruktivnim, bez ambicije da imamo publiku i tendencije da uvežbavamo stvari. Žanrovski smo široki, eterični, fluidni, bez striktne strukture i forme.

  3. Eva Ras

    Eva Ras je solo emo-violence projekat Filipa Stojiljkovića. Uragan intenzivnih guturalnih vokalizacija, da vam prepukne srce.


  4. Gomila

    Gomila je kolektiv mladih umetnica/ka kojima je dojadila pasivnost i urođena uspavanost prouzrokovana modernim načinom života. Suočeni sa apsurdom i monstruoznim tehnološkim napretkom beže u hiper-realnost Interneta. U najveće i najobuhvatnije skladište informacija ikada stvoreno, u crnu rupu „sadržaja“ (koji nikada manje nije sadržao). Kroz raznovrsne multimedijalne radove i forme umetnosti Gomila pokušava da upozori i osvesti o sveprisutnosti uređaja i mogućnostima koje oni pružaju.

    Gomila je nastala kao odgovor na urođenu uspavanost, pasivnost i stvaralačku impotenciju prouzrokovanu hiperprodukcijom digitalnog sadržaja

  5. Filmovi : 

  6. Jean Genet – Un Chant D‘Amour (FR, 1950, 25‘)

    Inmates in a French prison are attempting to fulfill their sexual and emotional needs under the confines of their individual cells. Two inmates in particular, who are in adjacent cells, try to make that connection to the other, both physical and emotional, in whatever way they can. In their current attempt to do so, they are so caught up in the fulfillment they receive of that connection that they fail to notice that a voyeuristic guard has been watching them through the small peep holes in their otherwise solid cell doors. The guard was tipped to the activity by one of the two men trying to pass a bouquet of wild flowers to the other via their barred cell windows. The guard confronts one of the inmates. Although their encounter is primarily violently physical, each man copes with the situation by fantasizing about what is truly in his heart.

  7. Shuji Terayama – Butterfly (JP,1974, 12‘)

    A dreamlike portrayal of a hangover after a decadent party.

  8. Mayara Ferrao – Orixas Center (BR, 2021, 13‘)

    Mayara Ferrão elicits a poetic-political atmosphere through a story unfolding from Yoruba cosmology.

  9. Jennifer Reeves & MM Serra – Darling International (US, 1999, 22‘)

    Resplendently photographed in slo-mo 16mm, this travelogue of desire shows a city of women in heat. Set in noir New York, here is a story of a good girl gone bad, its cross-cutting interludes showing Serra as an office avatar, and Reeves as a metal shop worker with a penchant for uberfemme, after hours dress up. Not just another night in the big city.